How to Clean Your Cloth or Fabric Mousepad

This is the official guide on how to clean your cloth mousepad (hybrid surface included) from or anywhere else.

If you want your gaming setup to look and perform it's best, cleaning your mousepad and peripherals on a regular basis is good practice.

Plastic mousepads can easily be wiped with wet wipes/damp cloth, but cloth or fabric mousepads like those found on our website require a bit more effort to get rid of all the oil, grease, and dirt your hands transfer on a daily basis.

(Note: this cleaning method is only for Locus mousepads and other non-RGB/wired mousepads. Now, to clean your cloth mousepad;

You will need:

  • Mild dish soap

  • Cleaning brush, sponge, or washcloth. 

  • Towel (optional)


  1. Submerge your mousepad in a bathtub/shower preferably full of warm water (reminder: don't do this with a wired/RGB mousepad).

  2. Pour a small amount of mild dish soap onto the mousepad. Remember, a little goes a long way.

  3. Using the brush, scrub the entirety of the mousepad gently, yet thoroughly to remove stains, oil, and debris. For best longevity we recommend scrubbing as gently as you can, while still getting rid of stains. 

  4. Rinse the mousepad thoroughly and make sure to get it as dry as possible before setting it to dry on a towel, cloth side down. You may also hang dry the mousepad in any shaded area. 

  5. After a couple of hours, the mousepad should be ready for gaming! Repeat as needed.

Enjoy your good as new mousepad!